Strategic positioning of you in global value chains

A data-driven way to analyse
R&D opportunities

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Emerging leaders in technologies by patent output and investments

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Clean and renewable energy

Circular economy




Future and emerging techs

... and more

Main indicators for each analysed country, industry and technology

Market size

Number of companies

Number of patents

Average size and age of companies


Systemic strength

Number of companies across the value chain (i.e. manufacturers, machinery and components; distribution and sales; logistics; etc.)

Number of products and services on the market

Patenting companies

Individual strength & competitiveness

Industrial champions

Innovation leaders Highly funded start-ups

High value patents


Quarterly investment data

Largest/most recent investments

Investment concentration

Disruption potential

Number of start-ups

Amount of capital raised

Peak patent output year

10-year Patent growth trends

Value chain dynamics

Analysis of companies across 13 value chain positions

Analysis of companies by their specific activity

Market crowdedness

High value patents

Innovation leaders

Leading start-ups


New investments

New products

New licenses

New contracts

New collaborations

Technote in numbers

6.5 million



Value chain positions



170 000


Our methodology

Technote integrates data from multiple sources at the level of a comapny.

By analysing 6.5 million companies in selected innovation markets, Technote comprehensively covers the global innovation ecosystem.

Technote Methodology

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